TRS Requires Submission of Grandfathered Contracts And Collective Bargaining Agreements By March 29, 2019

TRS has just issued Employer Bulletin 19-12 dated February 2019, which is available on the TRS website at:  This bulletin requires that all TRS employers submit all grandfathered individual employment contracts and collective bargaining agreements (“CBAs”) to the TRS CBA/Contract Collection Portal by March 29, 2019.  Grandfathered contracts and CBAs are…

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Proposed New Regulations on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence From The U.S. Department of Education

On Friday, November 16, 2018, the U.S. Department of Education issued proposed Regulations that would alter what constitutes sexual harassment, what triggers a duty to respond, due process afforded to individuals and procedural responses to complaints, among other things.  The Regulations are available for public comment for 60 days. During President Obama’s…

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