New Legal Guidance and Law on Student Issues

NEW LEGAL GUIDANCE AND LAW ON STUDENT ISSUES             There have been several interesting developments in student-related legal requirements in the past month that school districts and special education cooperatives need to know.  They are described below, in order of their publication. I.          ISBE GUIDANCE ON TMC AND EARLY CHILDHOOD TRANSITION  On January 15,…

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ISBE Issues Guidance on Qualifications of Personnel Conducting Medical Reviews

In July 2012, Section 226.840 of the Illinois State Board of Education special education regulations was amended to revise the qualifications of school personnel who may conduct medical reviews.  Last week the ISBE issued Guidelines: Frequently Asked Questions About Qualifications Required of Personnel Conducting Medical Reviews.  The Guidance defines “medical review,” describes how a medical…

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Be Careful What You Wish For: Candidate Petition Filing Deadline Moved Until Day After Christmas

Yielding to requests from municipal clerks, school board secretaries, and other local government officials, the General Assembly has acted quickly during its fall veto session to provide one-time relief to those offices which did not wish to stay open on Christmas Eve in order to accept candidate petitions for the April 9, 2013, consolidated election. …

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District to Pay for Multiple Bites at FOIA Exemption Apple

On October 3, 2012, an Illinois Appellate Court issued a decision which should serve as a warning to public school districts asserting questionable objections under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”).  In Rock River Times v. Rockford Public School District 205, the Appellate Court affirmed the trial court’s ruling denying the requestors’ prayer for…

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Districts Must Use Reasonable Care When Completing Employment Verfication and Reference Forms

Last year we alerted you to Doe-3 v. White, an Illinois Appellate Court decision that appeared to greatly expand the possibility for school districts’ and district officials’ liability to students when failing to report an employee with a history of abusive conduct. Doe-3 was appealed and the Illinois Supreme Court rendered a decision on August…

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Illinois Appeals Court Limits School District’s Obligation to Provide Transportation to Parochial School Students

On June 18, 2012, the Illinois Fifth District Appellate Court ruled that the Illinois School Code does not require a public school district to provide transportation to parochial and charter school students on days that public schools are not in session.  In C.E. and C.L. v. Board of Education of East St. Louis School Dist.…

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