On June 25, 2021, Governor Pritzker issued Executive Order 2021-14 which, among other things, extended the suspension of the Illinois Open Meetings Act’s requirements for in-person meetings through July 24, 2021. This Executive Order permits School Boards to continue utilizing remote board meetings through July 24, subject to the same requirements and procedures they have been required to follow throughout the pandemic. School Boards may, however, opt to conduct meetings in-person.
However, in the Gubernational Disaster Proclamation issued on the same day, Governor Pritzker warned public bodies that this exception permitting in-person meetings will expire on July 24, and that it will likely not be renewed. Accordingly, school districts and other public bodies should begin preparing for a return to in-person meetings and find adequate space to accommodate their public business.
If you have any questions about Governor Pritzker’s Executive Order or the Illinois Open Meetings Act, please do not hesitate to contact one of our attorneys.
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Published June 29, 2021